Wednesday 7 July 2010

Stuff I've been doing

  • Attending the Hop Farm Festival and being uber disappointed by Bob Dylan.
  • Writing angry letters to people who need to know how much they've hurt me, but then never sending them, which may seem pointless but is very therapeutic.
  • Thinking about how much I love my girlfriend and then going "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" at an apparently audible level...
  • Sorting out presents for the fast-approaching sixth monthaversary of me and the Lady, one of which arrived today.
  • Dedicating myself to making sure we have a lovely date night every week, which I bloody love.
  • Playing backgammon.
  • Looking forward to V Festival and Reading Festival, which are set to occupy the last two August weekends with skull fuckingly awesome good times.
  • Wearing my Ray-Bans to work because hello, it's summer.
  • Starting my articles for a Twitter friend's vegan e-zine, the first of which is on cruelty free fashion.
  • Returning to the gym, which has subsequently resulted in lots of going "aaaarggh, my arms hurt".
  • Humming. I do this a lot according to my least favourite coworkers.
  • Thinking of a nice holiday destination for the Lady and me at the start of September.
  • Feeling a bit rubbish due to my lack of vegan recipes to share with y'all.
  • Playing the new Sims 3 expansion pack, where I've created characters analogous to the Lady and myself, because I'm very sad/a hopeless romantic/just really fucking sad.
  • Considering an elephant tattoo.
  • Being frustrated at the lack of quiff preparation time I have in the mornings...

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