Thursday 8 July 2010

Hearts-a-pumpin', pumpin' iron, and other non-pump related activities

I'm back at the gym! Not right at this moment obviously, as this would be a pretty poor excuse for a workout. I've devised a plan of going twice daily if I can, working my arms, legs, and shoulders in the morning, and my chest, stomach, and bum at lunchtime. The only way I can really do the whole gym thing is to take it a little bit too far... although you can never be in too great a shape, right? Also, the Lady may be hopping on the gym bandwagon, although her body is trouser-tighteningly perfect in my humble opinion. And I think we'll be doing a yoga class or something together, so we'll be a very bendy couple!

Speaking of the Lady, we'll have been together six whole months next Friday! The time's just flown by, but at the same time, I find it hard to recall a time when she wasn't in my life. I love her more than anything, she makes me very, very happy. For notre demi-anniversary, we'll be doing something lovely, as always: A lovely picnic lunch in Hyde Park, followed by a visit to London Zoo, capped off with a lovely dinner. And one of her presents has arrived already! Just waiting to go and get the other one now, need to ponce a lift of off someone though, what with my lack of driving ability...

And while we're on the subject of lovely things, it's summer time! (And the living is easy/it's our vacation, depending on whether you prefer Gershwin or High School Musical 2) That means festivals, picnics, hot nights, long days, and (as Danny Zuco and co put it) "summer lovin'". I'm really excited, I love my life at the moment, so freaking happy!

And I'll be turning nineteen on the 14th of August, with no idea what I'd like, no idea what I'm doing for it (except that I'll be spending a good portion of it with my arms wrapped around my girlfriend), and no idea about much else in general! Here's a list of possible things I may like very much for my birthday, and is slightly more realistic than the last:

  • A kiss from my girlfriend.
  • A cuddle from my girlfriend.
  • To fall asleep with my girlfriend's beautiful head on my chest.

That'd do me. That's all I'll ever need. I love her.

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